Clawson Athletics

Home of the Trojans!

CoEd Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Clawson Watermelon Invite

5.0 years ago @ 10:10AM
Game Date
Aug 20, 2019
TROJANSClawson High School: 0

Clawson High School hosted Lutheran Northwest, Cardinal Mooney, Bishop Foley, Roeper, and Fitzgerald high schools at the Watermelon Invitational on Tuesday night.

Coaches like the race as it is a great way for runners to see how what kind of shape they are in heading into the fall season.  While no scores are kept at this meet, Clawson had some strong individual performances. 

On the girl's side:
Claire Thomson and Abbey Lodaro took first and second in the girls race.  Sam Brown was 6th overall and almost a half-minute faster than she was last year at this race.  Sara Spielbusch rounded out the finishers for Clawson with a time 48 seconds faster than last year.

On the boy's side:
Ryan Lodato lead the way for the Trojans finishing 15th overall with a time of 21:44.  In his first cross-country 5k, freshman Gabe Stevens was the second fastest Trojan.  Jon Price showed great improvement.  He was just under 3 minutes faster than he was last year, but not to be outdone, Jon Dickey improved his time on Clawson's home course by 9 minutes and 33 seconds.  5th man for the Trojans this year was Alex Lomeli who finished his first 5k ever.

Full results can be found at:

The Trojans next meet is the Centerline Invitational on August 29th.

The team is still taking members.  Any student interested in running should email Coach Thomson at or stop by the main office to ask for information.