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Boys Varsity Baseball

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Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Hazel Park HS School

10.0 months ago @ 11:06PM
Game Date
May 10, 2024
TROJANSClawson High School: 15

The Trojans beat Hazel Park 15 to 4 at Leprechaun Field to move their MAC Silver record to 14 and 0. McCaffrey got the win pitching 4 and 1/3 inning only giving up 2 hits and striking out 10 batters. Spielbusch pitched the last 1 and 2/3 innings giving up 1 hit and striking out 3 batters. Offensively, Stevens (2 RBI), McCaffrey (1 RBI), Therrien (2 RBI), Groves, and Spielbusch (1 RBI) all had 2 hits a piece. Dunlap reached base 3 times on 2 BB's and 1 base hit (RBI). Lock reached base 3 times with 1 hit, 1 BB, and a ROE. MacCallum had a base hit with an RBI.